Thursday, July 26, 2007

Two More Production Days...

It's been one week since we started working at the Sculpture park. It rained pretty much all day, for two days. It felt just like New Orleans...except the temperature dropped to 60 degrees. I was unprepaired so I was cold. We went to Takashi's studio earlier this week and made room for some production there - just in case it started raining again. You can smell the bread from the bakery downstairs, too. Besides that, Takashi and I worked to get the site set-up for installation. Gradually we've had volunteers show up. The best day so far was Tuesday when we had 7 volunteers, mostly sculptors/artists/musicians. Right now a few students from Pratt are helping us, Chris and Katie. Deborah from the Socrates Sculpture Park has been very helpful with logistics, materials and welding!

Today we finished patching the pieces with latex and cheesecloth and started grommetting the pieces . Instead of pvc pipes, the framework for the house will be steel pipes. I'm using all kinds of equipment and picking up ideas for future projects. It's good to get my hands on new tools...I can't wait to get started on my own work in San Antonio.

Tuyen, Tuyet, Becca and James all showed up this week. The old Krewe from New Orleans. It was great to be reunited with them. We all know this house well. We know the process and I think we all feel vested in the project and want to see it sucessfully completed. James mentioned how weird it was to see everyone from nola in nyc, working on the same house. It is kinda strange. The house no longer exists on Caffin Street or on any other street for that matter. It was demolished. So really, what is left is a memory of the place and, in a way, we're all a bit displaced.

Photos: A few images of rain at the park and my buds at the falafel cart-$4 can't beat it!

Media: The local NPR station interviewed Takashi (and me briefly). The interview should air around the 3rd or 4th of August.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Connie, this is so cool that this is all really happening. It seems a little surreal to me, sitting at a computer in San Antonio to read about a now disappeared house from NOLA growing in a NYC garden. My, my.
Best wishes to all -
Claudia L.